Evaluation of Information literacy training for enhanced teaching, learning, and research competence for academic staff and students at the University of Rwanda
A descriptive mixed-method study
Information Literacy, Critical thinking, Reference Management, Digital literacy, Literacy proficiency, Aadememic librariesAbstract
Abstract: This study evaluates the effectiveness of Information Literacy Training (ILT) for academic staff and postgraduate students in the digital era. A descriptive mixed-method approach was used, with data collected from 87 postgraduate students, academic staff, and librarians from nine Campuses across the University of Rwanda. The results showed that providing ILT at the beginning of student’s study program significantly enhanced their capacity to identify, access, evaluate, and use information effectively. It also improved students’ competencies in research and scholarly publishing. The study highlights the importance of ILT evaluation in training, providing critical insights into program effectiveness, efficiency, and long-term impact. It recommends ILT as a mandatory component in the curriculum for all students.
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