Where and how do early career humanists, theologians and scientists-artists search for scholarly information? – a report on the Polish continuation of the Harbingers projects
Early career researchers, searching for information, access to information, humanists, scientists-artists, theologians, librariesAbstract
This analysis deals with the methods of searching for, discovering and accessing scholarly information in a group of early career humanists, theologians and scientists-artists. It is part of the findings of the Polish continuation of an international study that examined scientific communication in the Harbingers cycle, conducted in 2016-2022 among representatives of science, natural sciences and social sciences in eight countries on all continents. The study was conducted by the method of longitudinal interviews with the same main part of the questionnaire, which allows for various comparative analyses both between different time points and between countries. This article presents a qualitative analysis of the responses given by Polish respondents to several questions on the methods of seeking, finding and discovering scholarly information. Young representatives of Polish humanities, theology and art were a diverse group: the information search methods included the use of search engines, alternative services as well as searching the resources of local libraries. It was found that the role of libraries is appreciated and that monographs are highly popular, mainly among the respondents from humanities, theology and art, which distinguishes them from scientists in other fields.
This research was funded in whole or in part by the National Science Centre in Poland, grant number: 2022/45/B/HS2/00041. For the purpose of Open Access, the author has applied a CC-BY public copyright licence to any Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) version arising from this submission.
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